Helmet, Japanese, WWII, Tokyo municipal government Extremely light helmet, weighing less than 400 grams, but made of light metal. 100% original paint. Inner side original and in mint condition. Strap is original and in good condition. 64 cm circumference.
軽金属製で四百グラム以下でとても軽い。元々の塗装がそのまま。内側も元のままで状態が良く、顎紐も状態は良い。ヘルメット内側の周長は 64cm.
Helmet, Japanese, WWII, Tokyo municipal government
Extremely light helmet, weighing less than 400 grams, but made of light metal. 100% original paint. Inner side original and in mint condition. Strap is original and in good condition. 64 cm circumference.